Able Wellness Team

Welcome to our exceptional team ! We are a dedicated group of healthcare professionals committed to providing the highest quality care and compassion to our patients. Allow us to introduce the members of our clinic team

Alicia Lee

Registered Massage Therapist, Registered Kinesiologist

Stephen Ip

Registered Massage Therapist

Jackson Chu

Registered Massage Therapist

Cori Muenala

Registered Kinesiologist

Pilates Instructor

Shawn Tjen

Registered Acupuncturist,
Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Derrick Yang

Registered Acupuncturist,
Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Laura Lee

Registered Massage Therapist

Dr. Duriell Bernard


Jenny Fung

Pilates Instructor

Rachel Zhang

Registered Acupuncturist,
Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Derek Chung

Registered Kinesiologist

Jeffrey Lin
